24 Hr Emergency Tree Services Mt. Airy GA
24 Hour Emergency Tree Service in Northeastern GA and Western SC
Clark Tree Expert 24 hour emergency tree service is here to take care of your trees when disaster strikes. Fallen trees and stumps get in the way of construction, and unsightly dead trees are just a few of the problems we can solve quickly and efficiently. Our certified arborist is trained to handle any tree emergency so don’t hesitate to call us at 706-776-8733 or 864-482-1427!
A fallen tree can cause serious damage to people and property. If you spot hazardous trees or dead branches that might pose a threat in case of a storm, do not wait to call us! Oftentimes tree trimming and emergency tree removal can help avoid precious loss of property!
When to contact Emergency Tree Removal Service
Tree removal emergency services are available 24/7 and are usually just a phone call away. Some signs that you may need to call a tree service immediately include:
- A large branch has fallen and is resting on your roof
- Tree branches have grown dangerously close to power lines
- You hear cracking or popping noises coming from the tree
- The tree has been struck by lightning.
- The tree is leaning dangerously and you think it may fall
- A tree is blocking your driveway
- Removal of storm damaged trees from property
If you are unsure whether or not the situation warrants an emergency call, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and give them a call. The sooner you do, the sooner they can assess the situation and take action if necessary.
What to expect from an emergency tree service
When you call a tree service, the first thing they will do is send someone out to assess the situation. Oftentimes, tree trimming is enough to diffuse the situation while other times tree removal might be required.
Once they have determined that the tree does indeed need to be removed, they will begin the process of taking it down. This usually involves using a crane or other heavy machinery to remove the tree in sections.
The tree removal process can be dangerous, which is why it’s always best to leave it to the professionals.
Once the tree has been removed, the company will typically haul away all of the debris and clean up the area. In some cases, they may even be able to replant a new tree in the same spot.
Why should you Choose Emergency Tree Removal Services
While it may be tempting to try and remove damaged trees oneself in an emergency situation, this may be a recipe for prolonging and endangering the situation even more. When the tree falls, the problem is not necessarily in the lifting or hauling – it is that fallen trees exert a lot of pressure on the ground in uneven ways and there is always a possibility of broken limbs in trying to remove it yourself.
Taking care of a fallen tree involves cutting it into smaller parts which is quite a tiresome job and could result in injury when done without proper gear and tools. In most cases, it’s best to leave tree removal to the emergency tree services. Not only will they get the job done quickly and efficiently, but they will also clean up the mess so that you don’t have to.
Tree services will also be happy to help you when a fallen tree causes damage to your property, and you want to claim the repair amount through the homeowner’s insurance policy.
Stay safe – Choose Clark Tree Experts
Be it a job requiring emergency removal, or taking care of downed trees, the professionals at Clark Tree Experts can get the job done. Our team has over 20 years of emergency tree removal experience in Mt. Airy, GA. We tackle every problem with top-notch training, finely honed instincts and 100 percent commitment to safety. Our work speaks for itself.
If you find yourself in need of an emergency tree removal service, be sure to contact Clark Tree Expert tree service at 706-776-8733 or 864-482-1427!